Patient Statement Services

Patient statements are consolidated medical bills that help practitioners to collect medical fees. Medleeds takes care of the statement and eases the complete process by making it transparent for the patients for better understanding. The patient statements generally give the overview of the outstanding payment for the treatment availed and also the in-depth split up of the bills.

Our Patient Statement Services

Our team also forwards this patient statement in case of any delayed payments, which eventually eases the process of recovery. The patient statement enables an easy understanding of the outstanding bills and lets the patients make early payments.
Medleeds create a digital form of statements that can be delivered through the mail. Our experts use patient-friendly language which is self-explanatory rather than adding too many medical terms which might confuse the patients.
Personalizing the bills according to the patient information increases the comfort and credibility of your patients. This credibility increases the chance of getting paid sooner.
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