Prior Authorization

Prior Authorization plays a major role in understanding the extent of coverage the patient has and dodging any revenue loss that might occur due to unauthorized treatments. The practitioners should be well aware of the services they render to the patients and also the guidelines drafted by their payers. All the services and the treatments the practitioner offers should be prior authorized by the payer, i.e., they should already be in the list of guidelines.

Any procedure or practice that is out of the guidelines might become a financial liability for the patient and also can lead to revenue loss for the provider.

The practitioners should always get prior authorization from the payer before performing any diagnostics, procedures, or medication to confirm the coverage limit for the patient. If the practitioner is well aware of the coverage policy and limits of the treatment, the service rendered becomes highly satisfactory.

Our prior authorization service aims at optimizing the revenue cycle and also to improve collections. We train our experts on your in-house software well before production to ensure high productivity and also cost-effectiveness.

Prior Authorization

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