Provider Enrollment & Credentialing Services

Enrolling the provider, also called the practitioner with different insurance payers is one of the most important steps in the revenue cycle. Enrolling the practitioner with the right insurance company enables the patients to utilize the maximum of their coverage to pay for the treatment and medical services. These bills are later reimbursed by the insurance providers.

Provider Enrollment

Once we credential the practitioner, the next process is to enroll them with various insurance providers. Our team takes care of monitoring the applications and processing them on time. We work carefully to identify and fix any issues before the errors impact reimbursements.

Medleeds Provider enrolment process involves the below steps:

Provider Credentialing

Though it may sound simple, the actual process of enrolling and credentialing a practitioner involves a lot of manual work. It involves submitting manual application forms, clarifying any questions from the payers, and following up closely to close the request. Medleeds takes care of this tiresome process while you sit back and relax.

Provider Credentialing involves the below steps and Medleeds takes care of them.

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